AzureBliss's classified ads

Offer / Used Panties / His loss, your gain

I found this sleek, comfy little pair while browsing a boutique in Germany, during vacation. It was meant for a boyfriend, but he never earned the treat. Instead, I wore them for a night in the town. My girls, some booze, and definitely some sloppy drunk wiping that left me m…


6 years ago Comments: 0

Offer / Used Panties / The smell of success

I'm a little go-getter. I push my limits. And I applied for a job way out of my range. To boost my confidence, I picked up this pair of cute c**** panties. They're so soft, but when I started sweating in that interview, and wiggling around in that chair, they became a slick, too-…


6 years ago Comments: 0
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